How To Stamp Metal Jewelry

Trace in the stamped letters and then wipe off excess with the cloth.
How to stamp metal jewelry. The tape has two purposes. All you need is a black sharpie marker or other dark thin paint or patina solution and a polishing cloth. Stamping letters and shapes into metal blanks. Make the stamped images pop.
See all free stamping classes beginning stamping checklist click to see the items you need to begin your stamping adventure. Stamped jewelry design ideas. Adding color to text and shapes. 1 it holds the blank in place so it won t travel as you are striking the stamps.
Stamping on metal starter kit you can buy it all packaged up. Stamping on metal for kids. Stamping letters and shapes into. Watch a few of our metal stamping classes.
Also to ensure you stamp in a straight line you can tape a guideline or tape a flexible thin ruler onto the metal blank. Then tape the metal blank to the steel bench block. Use a ruler and fine point sharpie marker to draw a baseline on your metal so you ll know where to set each stamp. How to make stamped metal jewelry method 1 of 3.
First line up the stamps you intend to use.

First line up the stamps you intend to use.
How to stamp metal jewelry. The tape has two purposes. All you need is a black sharpie marker or other dark thin paint or patina solution and a polishing cloth. Stamping letters and shapes into metal blanks. Make the stamped images pop.
See all free stamping classes beginning stamping checklist click to see the items you need to begin your stamping adventure. Stamped jewelry design ideas. Adding color to text and shapes. 1 it holds the blank in place so it won t travel as you are striking the stamps.
Stamping on metal starter kit you can buy it all packaged up. Stamping on metal for kids. Stamping letters and shapes into. Watch a few of our metal stamping classes.
Also to ensure you stamp in a straight line you can tape a guideline or tape a flexible thin ruler onto the metal blank. Then tape the metal blank to the steel bench block. Use a ruler and fine point sharpie marker to draw a baseline on your metal so you ll know where to set each stamp. How to make stamped metal jewelry method 1 of 3.